Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy 2 month birthday!

What a crazy month it has been!  This month has flown by.  It seems like such a short time ago that we were singing happy birthday over a box of leftover Christmas Toffifay. 
This month we celebrated at our friends' house.  They have three awesome little girls, two of whom are old enough to sing happy birthday along with us.  No candles or candy this time though we did have some super yummy berries and whipped cream for a treat.  The little girls loved playing with E.  the younger of the two loved playing with her hair and was fascinated with her fontanel.  The older girl wanted to read The BFG to her before bedtime (this is pretty awesome as she's only 6 and a champion reader!).  E was showered in kisses.

This month has also seen a big development in E's ability to talk.  No first words or anything yet, but first sounds and first smiles.  She has a pretty reliable grumpy grunt that Ken and I call her baby dragon noise.  She snuffles and grunts to let us know she's unhappy.  She also has a couple of different coos.  We're still trying to decode them but for the most part they just seem to mean "I'm happy and I'm talking to you"  We got her first real squeal of joy just the other day.  She also has a very sad face when she pulls the corners of her mouth down, sticks her lower lip out and says "Weh!"  She's the only baby I've met who actually pronounces the W in her cries.  This little unhappy noise is usually followed by full scale crying but Ken and I have to stifle giggles when she does it.  It's so hard but we try not to laugh at the sad baby.

E sitting and bonding with her Elephant

E is doing great at tummy time.  She reliably gets her head up to 45 and sometimes 90 degrees.  She also reliably holds her head up when held now.  She will wobble on occasion but not nearly as much.  She also had her first sessions in her bumbo seat, practicing sitting up.  Most of the time she slumps to the side after a few minutes but she's still doing well holding her head up.

Who is that cute baby in the mirror?
She is also very into staring at faces.  She loves Mommy and Daddy's faces best of course.  We can reliably get smiles and coos out of her with our loving gazes (and silly noises and sticking out tongues and such)  She has even started talking to her self in her mirror.  She even gives strangers her prized smiles.  Ken was showing her off to the trainers at his gym and she dropped a couple of smiles on them and they all promptly melted.

Binky love, this is going to be
rough in a year or so when we take
it away.
She is still trying to figure out her hands.  She really, really, really likes them and wants so badly to suck on them.  She's successfully gotten her thumb several times but it's not a constant thing.  Most often she just ends up sucking on her entire fist, drooling everywhere and frustrating herself.  Sometimes, if Mommy hasn't been good about keeping her nails trimmed, she even scratches her face.  But she really wants that comfort of sucking on Mommy and Daddy caved.  now we talked to our dental hygienist friend first, and decided that the damage a pacifier can do to teeth is a lot less than what a thumb can do...and it's a lot easier to take away a binky than a thumb so....E got her first taste of binky and she LOVES it.  She would spend 24/7 with a binky if we let her, but we don't.  Right now she only gets it at naps and if we are desperate in public.

thanks for the rattle Tori!
She is also getting very good at tracking with her eyes and gripping with her hands.  She loves her octopus and her rattles. Her panda rattle seems to hold her gaze the most, though her wooden rattle seems to be the easiest for her to hold onto and move around. 

And just to completely embarrass her when she's older...She's a champion gassy baby.  When she fills her diaper she lets everyone in the room know.  Ken and I have shared a lot of giggles over her burping and farting and yes, even pooping.  She is quite a forceful pooper sometimes. She's overloaded her fair share of diapers, getting mommy in the process a few times.  Thus far daddy has escaped being pooed on...the time will come though and there will be much laughter.  She also sloshes some times.  After eating we bounce her to burp her some times and you can actually hear sloshing.  it's the craziest thing and it entertains me probably more than it should.

E is growing up big and strong.  She has her 2 month Dr appointment on Monday, where she'll get her first round of shots. And we'll see just how much she's grown.  This upcoming month will hopefully see even more milestones, including her first time at day care on Tuesday.  Mommy will probably cry, a lot.  It will be very hard to be away from this sweet baby and to not be able to see her chew through the milestones like I've gotten to watch for the last 2 months.  It hurts my heart but I know that it will be good for me to get back out into the world, see my students, talk to adults and then come home and cuddle my baby close.  It will also help me decide what I want to do with next year in terms of full time work, part time work or stay at home.  It's a big decision and one I won't make lightly.  But that's for later, for now, sleep sweet and deep my little 2 month old darling.  Your adventures await you in the morning!

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