Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Week 6...

Daddy's first trip away
Ken is away from E at night for the first time.  It's hard with him away, I miss him a lot and E seems a bit more fussy than normal so I'm going to say she misses him too.  We've been Skyping and she stares at the screen intently from time to time.  I like to think that she's staring at daddy, of course we'll never know if she actually recognizes him but I will say she does.  We are looking forward for him to get home in two days.
We miss you Daddy! come home soon!
Thumbsucker inbound
I sucked my fingers as a child for a long time.  Thankfully it didn't affect my teeth and I never needed braces or a retainer....E is working very, very hard at being a finger or thumb sucker.  I'm going to have to deal with the trauma of breaking that habit just like my mom had to do for me.  Part of me wonders if it would be better to give a paci than let her thumbsuck...I may offier her a paci at 6 weeks, we will see.
Yesterday E got her thumb sucessfully into her mouth for the first time!  Her hand was completely open with her thumb in her mouth.  she frantically started sucking on it and was very happy for the few moments she sucessfully sucked her thumb and then she flailed her arms in her baby way and pulled her thumb out of her mouth.  Unfortunately I didn't have the camera with me at the time so there is no photo proof...yet.
but she's really trying....

The nose knows
I've been playing with E in the spice cabinet occasionally.  I'll hold up food under her nose and watch her face for a reaction.  So far her reactions are:
chocolate - eyes wide, big stare
cinnamon - eyes wide, mouth pursed
ginger - eyes wide, smacking lips, trying to smile
watermellon - calm (like stops her from fussing somtimes) and eyes wide
mint extract - yoda face! crying and incessant drooling

Part of me wants to try the mint again to see if she reacts the same but her reaction was so strong it seems little mean.

Tummy time!
E is rocking out the tummy time.  She's getting her head up really high and holding it well.  She tracks and turns her head for her little black and white panda rattle.  She loves her piano toy that the Snows sent us.  She will stare at it and move her hands around.  Earlier this week she frogged her legs so much that she tipped over the front of the boppy and landed with her head on the piano...then proceeded to "play" the piano with her head.

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