Monday, August 25, 2014

A picture of E at 20 months

Tonight's after dinner/bedtime went something like this:

E: all duh(hands her frozen yogurt stick to Daddy)
Me (cutting up a cheese stick for her lunch tomorrow): are you ready for a bath?
Me: Can you use your big girl words?
E: haaaaa chee peas
Me: okay (gives her the small end of the cheese I'm cutting up)
E (on the verge of meltdown): Uhside chee!  (uhside or "other side" is how she asks for something different)
Me: eat what you have before you ask for more
Me: is your little cheese all gone
E: 'es
Daddy: is it all gone or is it in your hand?
E: han
Daddy: eat it all gone if you want more cheese
E (chews up the cheese, spits it back out for me to see, then resumes eating it) Haa big chee peas?
Me: is your little cheese all gone
E: 'es
Me: (checks) okay here's a big cheese for you! (gives her new cheese stick)
One minute later
E: All duh! (hands the cheese stick back to daddy, with one bite out of it...right of the middle)
Me: are you ready for your bath?
E: NO! NO BATH!  NO! PWAY?  PWAY? (on the verge of meltdown)
Me: It's not playtime.  do you want to go straight to bed or do you want your bath?
Me: okay, do you want milk?

Fastfoward past milk and potty time (mostly because dada took that duty, pun intended)
Daddy: E come wash your hands
E (runs starkers out of the bathroom right to me)
Me: time to wash hands and brush teeth (picking her up and taking her back to the bathroom)
E: Hi Momma
Me: wash hands, brush teeth (putting her on the step stool)
E: peek-boo? (ducks down below the counter)
Me: peek-a-boo after teeth.  (picking her back up)
E: Baby do? (going limp like a spaghetti noodle)
Me: Momma ABC then E ABC.
E: NO! (drops limply to the stool)
Me: (guiding her to the floor and brushing her teeth laying down while singing the ABC song twice) Thank you for brushing your teeth

Take her into her room for pajamas.  Lay her down on her changing table that has a frog on it...
E: See Froby?
Me: after diaper and pajamas
Me: after diaper and pajamas
E: FROBY!? FROBY!?! (meltdown imminent)
Me: (puts on diaper tries for pajama pants)
E: Seelee mama (kicks wildly, trying to prevent the pants)
Me: (puts on pajama pants and top)
E: (giggling like evil incarnate and wiggling like an octopus in a sac)
Me: Love you, now you can see Froggy.
E: (rolls over and snuggles the frog on her changing table)
Me: (picks her up and hugs her) love you
E: Uhv ooo (hugs me tight and just happens to smack my glasses into my nose, very painfully)
Daddy: ready for lullabies and snuggles
E: NO! (squirming rampantly despite daddy's snuggles and calming song, manages to headbutt daddy across his nose, very painfully)
Daddy: goodnight. (puts E into her crib)

Cue the impending meltdown....13 minutes of screaming in the crib and then...silence.

E is very independent.  She wants what she wants.  Right now that's any phone or tablet, and Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood. (really shouldn't have let her watch it when she was sick)  She is very, very stubborn.  She already pretends to not hear us when we say something she doesn't want to hear.  She likes to have any modicum of control of the world around her.

She is also very loving and sweet.  She likes to be a "big girl" and use her big girl words.  She likes to help with everything from sweeping and mopping up spills to making dinner and folding clothes.  She uses her polite words more often than not.  She gives great hugs.  She loves to play with her duplos, especially the cat and dog figurine.

1 comment:

  1. We are raising very similar young people, I think (which makes sense to me!) I love reading the love and patience you respond to her with.
