Friday, January 3, 2014

Clever Girl

E has been learning some new tricks that are keeping Mommy and Daddy on their toes.

She has been able to open baby latches on the cabinet doors for a few months now, thankfully it's not a skill she practices much and for the big chemical cabinets we got a heavy duty baby lock.

While we were staying at Oma's house over Christmas we had a humidifier in our room, it had a knob that turned it from high, to low, to off.  One morning while I was getting dressed with E running around the room I heard the humidifier turn on, then high, then back off.  The culprit....E of course!  She would use one hand to turn the knob up and the other to turn it down.  This was pretty surprising to me since she still really struggles to work the knob on her activity center, but I guess the air from the humidifier was a much better reward than a pop up lion.

Yesterday she walked up to me with her teething tablet bottle in one hand, and the cap in the other.  Thankfully she hadn't put either in her mouth yet (no drool) so I was able to take all the medicine out of the bottle.

So baby latches are out, child proof lids are my sister in law says...our only defense left is heights! Good thing she's short!

She has also learned to say no.  Not verbally mind you but by hand gestures and enthusiastic head shaking.  This makes my attempts to move her from a bottle to a cup very frustrating and messy, even with the no spill cup.  It's cute when she frantically shakes her head when offered the cup but I have to remind myself to not smile or laugh because I don't want to encourage the nos. I also have to remind myself to be patient with my little stubborn girl.

One trick she's learned lately that is much more helpful is that she can now blow her nose.  When approached with a tissue she will still fuss but once it's up to her nose if you tell her to "blow" she will!  Sometimes a demonstration is necessary but it works!  Don't get me wrong she still hates it, but at least it's progress!  I told her once she can blow her nose well I'd stop using the nasal aspirator.  I think this is motivation for her.


  1. Being able to blow her nose is huge! Well done, E (and congrats to Mom and Dad for teaching her ... we are working on Walter with no luck so far.)

  2. of course now that I've bragged about it on the internet she refuses and shakes her head stubbornly every time I ask her to "blow".
