Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Month 5 - better late than never

E is now 5 months (and a bit more)!  She never fails to amaze and bring me joy each day.  Her fifth month passed in such a blurr.  We had several friends in to visit and see her.  We loved our visits from Pastor Annie and Sarah D.  It was so nice to introduce E to two of the people who have been very influential in my life both as a teacher and a human being.  Especially wonderful because both them have had babies in the past year half so we had so much to talk about!
She also had visits from Grandma and grandaddy and lots of mom and dad's friends.  She had her first trip to the highland games to see daddy throw heavy stuff.  She's had a few nibbles of solid food.  One time she put her mouth on Daddy's broccoli and promptly made a face and pulled away. And once she took a tiny piece of mommy's black bean burger and spit most of it out. 

She is communicating a lot more.  I am already anticipating getting teachers notes home about E's excessive talking.  She LOVES to talk, well shout and scream and squeal.  And she is definitely trying to communicate.  Can't wait for her to start amassing words both signed and spoken.

She is starting to teeth we think.  She loves chewing on her teething rings and frozen washcloths.

At 5 months we can tell things she likes better.  When she is happy or excited she flaps her arms like a penguin and hits herself in the belly (sometimes audibly)  Things that get the penguin flap of approval these days are:
-Ms. Bush (her day care teacher)
-Skype with Oma, grandma, grandaddy, and auntie Krista
-her toy hedgehog
-her sensory balls

standing like a big girl!
E has also gained some more skills this month.  She can now:
- sit upright in what I call "gorilla pose" where she's resting on her arms
- lift up and flail arms and legs in attempts to crawl while on her tummy
-stand unassisted for a few seconds if she is leaning on an object
-roll from front to back
-roll from back to front (for the longest time she wouldn't roll this way in my eyesight.  I would put her on her back and do something, go into the kitchen, talk to someone, etc and when I looked back she would be on her tummy but whenever I watched her she wouldn't do it.  She finally did last week, so technically past her 5 month birthday)
-drink from a cup, if mom and dad hold it.  It's totally cute anytime mom or dad are drinking water she wants some, she'll reach for the cup and she sticks her tongue into the cup like a puppy.  On her 5 month birthday we were out at a resturant and she was in a friend's arms.  The friend had a glass of wine and when she was drinking it  E kept trying to grab it and making drinking motions.  Everyone laughed and said we were training her early.

She's home today from daycare fror the first time.  She got sent home early for being sick yesterday.  So far Ken and I have seen no signs of sickness but I'm not complaining about getting to spend all the extra time with her. 

1 comment:

  1. Love this update, and loved getting meet the extraordinary Miss E!
