Monday, April 15, 2013

E at 4 months

Is it the 15th already?  Oops! Between mommy being sick and the baby being fussy we missed singing to E again this month.  We also didn't take the penguin picture or make her footprints.  We shall do most of these things tomorrow!  Good thing E has no concept of dates yet.  It will still be special tomorrow!

three generations of beautiful, smart
talented ladies!
This month has seen some great firsts for E!
She had her first...
...trip to the zoo
...time on the swings and slide at home with Oma
...time in the stroller the "big kid" way
...time in her exersaucer
(she loved it the first time, even though she's still too short to reach the floor.  but now she fusses each time we put her in.  I think she's afraid of the chameleon toy)

bluebonnet baby!
...time to roll over
 (though not for mommy and daddy yet)
...finger painting session
(at day time I'm asking them to strip her to her diaper as the fingerpaint stains don't come out of white onsies!) in the bluebonnets. 
(for those of you not from Texas this is a big deal, yearly tradition, right of passage kind of thing)
..."kiss" from a boy - and didn't like it
(one of the boys at day care "kisses" people by headbutting them.  He crawled over to E on her boppy and gave her a "kiss" and she started to cry)
...birthday party invite - Happy Birthday Gian!
...Easter and Easter egg hunt
...puppy kiss
and so many more that mommy's sick and tired brain can't think of.

Family picture!
E can now...
...hold weight on her legs.  She LOVES standing up, though has zero balance while doing so.  She especially loves to stand up while on mommy, daddy or Oma's lap on the porch swing, while it is in motion.  Aunt Krista says this is a sign of a gymnast in the making.
...babble.  She will "talk" to her grandparents and her oma (hopefully her ojisan too once we get him on skype again).  She talks more to them than at any other time.  We think it's because Skype makes  people's voices a little higher pitched and she likes high pitched noises.

...bring things to her mouth.  If she grabs it, it's going into the mouth.  This includes but is not limited to: toys, mom's fingers, bluebonnets, clothes, bibs, and watches.

 ...manipulate toys a little bit.  She's trying to figure out how to.  She can  shake her rattles and her sensory octopus.

swings are awesome!

...recognize songs.  When Oma tried to sing her bedtime song in the middle of the day she looked at her with a "what are you doing, it's not bed time and you're not mommy!" expression.  Twice. peek-a-boo.  She always looks super startled when you reveal yourself!  She usually smiles after looking startled

...sit up when propped up, without slumping to either side.  She can even hold her balance for a few microseconds without propping...microseconds.
especially with mommy! a "mini pushup" that all the baby books describe.  Not a fitness kind of push up but the kind where she gets her head up at 90 degrees and puts some weight on her hands.  It's supposedly a precursor to rolling over.

...roll over from tummy to back - yet to be seen by mom and dad
...laugh.  They are rare and so, so, so precious and never caused by the same thing twice.  But utterly adorable when get them!  Usually she's laughing at mommy.

...recognize mommy, daddy, grandma, grandpa, auntie Krista, oma and her daycare friends.  She "talks" to these people and smiles a different kind of smile than the one she gives strangers.

...snuggle.  She tucks her head to the side, burrows it under your chin and throws her arms open.  She doesn't hug or anything yet but it is most definitely a snuggle and she loves to be snuggled back!

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