Friday, May 2, 2014

Little things

I have been lax in posting updates, not for lack of material or desire, it's just that we have been so busy!!! That is the one word I would use to describe E currently. Busy, busy, busy!  I think this is my favorite age so far. At least 3 times a day I think to myself 'that is so awesome, I want to remember that, I should put it in my blog' and then we are so busy that it never happens.

In this brief and early moment (it's 4am, E had been waking up and asking for milk since 2am. She had 8 oz at 2, but is still demanding more, I am withholding it because 8oz should hold her for much longer than an hour. She did require a clothes change as she had over filled her nighttime diaper for the second night in a row. At least thus time I didn't have to change the sheets) since I have a tension headache and am waking for the Tylenol to kick in, I figured I would jot down some of the things I wanted to remember

- E had hand, foot, and mouth. It was woeful, but it meant I got to spend a week at home with her, which was fun, but made me very glad for my job.

- E loves eyes. She points them out frequently and says 'eye' in a very cute way. She had Easter window clings and she kept putting the Easter eggs over the bunny's eyes like glasses.

-a few nights ago E gave daddy a post dinner kiss, then leaned over to kiss mommy and let out a burp instead, hilarity ensued.

-E makes herself laugh, she tries to tickle herself 'tick-uh!' And cracks up. She also plays peek-a-boo with herself in the bathroom mirror. 'Peek! - Boo!'

-E is obsessed with her water table, if she figures out how to turn on the spigot outside we will never, ever do anything but play with the 'ishees' (fishies).

-E is climbing everything. when she gets up she has a super proud look on her face that is priceless.

-E likes 'reading' her Kimochi book. We look at the pictures of the different emotions and I ask her what each emotion says. She whimpers for sad, says 'yay' for happy etc. My favorites are silly abs cranky. For silly she makes a silly noise with her tongue that I can't really describe, but any time you ask her if she is being silly she makes it. For cranky she hits the book and says 'no!' While violently shaking her head.

-E likes to pretend to feed things... Anything,.. her stuffed toys, dolls, the bird outside, the monkeys on the wall, etc. She does this by holding up the food item in the general direction of the recipient and then saying 'nom nom nom'.

-E loves animals, especially birds and dogs. She refers to all animals with sign language and/or the sound the animal makes.

The Tylenol had kicked in and the milk monster is quiet. So I'll end this here with more to come as soon as Ms. Busy let's me!

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