Thursday, December 4, 2014

We live in your heart

E has been having some separation anxiety issues. It started after Daddy and I went to Board Game Geek Con and left her with Grandma and Granddaddy.  We saw her every morning but weren't there to put her to bed.  Apparently she had some strong feelings about our absence.

Ever since then, she's gets upset when we leave.  Over Thanksgiving we went on a movie date after she was in bed.  However, earlier in the day we made the mistake of talking about it in front of her and when E heard us talking about going she started to wail. This made bedtime very clingy.

It makes daycare drop-off very clingy and cry-y as well but once I'm out of the room she stops crying within seconds.

Fast forward to tonight.  E had a MASSIVE meltdown, so massive that she took her "I'm so angry I'm going to hold my breath until I turn purple" meltdown routine to a new level where she got so overwrought that she actually started choking.  Once she was able to breath she proceeded to melt down rampantly.  It took a good bit to get her calm but once we were actually able to talk to her she told us she was scared.  We thought at first it was because we took her to see Santa today and she was a little timid with him but she laughed at that and said "silly mommy".  Eventually we got to the fact that she was scared of mommy and daddy leaving.

So, we had a good snuggle and a family chat about how we live in each other's hearts.  That even when we are not in the same room we are still with her and she is with us.  She touched her heart and ours.  We reminded her that she could use the mommy and daddy in her heart to pretend with when she is scared.  That she can close her eyes really tight and imagine mommy and daddy are there with her to help her feel better because we live in her heart and are always with her.

It seemed to help her calm down.  She snuggled up tight and was calm and ready for bed so I told her:

"Mommy is going to leave your bedroom now, but you don't need to be scared because you know where mommy will always be.  Where will mommy always be?"

She snuggled me tightly and said "In the bathroom"

1 comment:

  1. You are awesome! The world works in funny ways. I needed the reminder that my mommy and daddy will always love on in my heart and lo and behold I stumble across your beautiful, sweet, and loving blog. Thank you! A McQ
